Saturday, August 31, 2019

India cinema Essay

India cinema over the ages has developed a flavor and aroma of its own. The vibrancy and exuberance of our cinema is unparalleled across the globe. India cinema, over the year, has transcended the barriers of language, art and culture, broken all the bonds and crossed all borders to colour the entire world with is emblematic song, dances, music, melodrama and didacticism. India cinema has a bit of everything. It has the capacity to imbibe all the shades and every spice of life within its ambit. It has been mystifying, enthralling, enchanting and entertaining millions since a long long time now. Every today, watching cinema is the most popular mode of entertainment and a favourite pastime of people from all section of society transcending over cast, creed, race or religion. In fact, bollywood after cricket is a sub-religion of the country. From the most common man to the intellectual and the elites-all enjoy watching movies in their leisure time with their friends and families. Cinema works as a great unifying factor which brings together the high and the low, the rice and the poor , the young and the old-all under the same roof for next two or three hour . It entertains without discrimination, thrill and tickles without knowing a difference man and man. I too, like watching movies with my parents and friend in my spare time. Last year, Sahara Motion Picture initiated a new era in India cinema. The long awaited animation movies for children were released and it runs successfully in theaters all over the country. Not only children but also teenagers, old and young, all cinema halls in large number to watch-Hanuman. I too had been waiting for the movie eagerly. Once the movie was released, my friend’s family and mine made plans to watch the movies in our nearest theater on the ensuing Sunday. We all were extremely excited. In fact, my friend and I could hardly wait for weekend. On the appointed Sunday, we reached the theatre filled with thrill excitement through and through. Predictable, none of us were disappointed after watching the movie. Since then, it has become one of my favourite movies. The movie is a fabulous animation of the legend of the faithful friend and follower of Lord Ram and his greatest accomplice in the battle against Ravana. The movie traces the entire life-story of Hanuman-right from his birth to the fulfillment of the aim which he was bore. The stories begin with sin and wickedness increasing on the earth and all the Gods rushing to Brahma-the Creator for his protection. The movie brilliantly captures the miraculous birth of Hanuman and his innocent childhood pranks to his education from the Sun god. The scene when the little Hanuman wakes up and mistakes the sun peeping form behind a mango tree to be mango and rushes to eat it out of grave hunger is one of my favorites. The way he reaches the sun and fight Rahu is extremely interesting. Hanuman- who is the incarnation of Lord Shiva grows up loved and pampered and gradually being trained for his great appointed task. As he grows up, he meets Lord Ram who is also growing up in his palace with his brothers. I particularly enjoyed the scene where Lord Shiva and Hanuman was extremely amusing with his multi-coloured cap and his extraordinary feats amused all of us extremely. Even the Kite scene when little Ram’s kite gets lost amidst the clouds and Hanuman disguising as the monkey is also my favourite scene. The rest of the movie too is interesting. One never loses interest throughout the movie. The movie, all through, captivates one’s attention thoroughly. The other scene, which really liked, is the ones when Hanuman goes to Lanka to search Sita. The entire sequence of the scenes thereafter is my favourite. L really liked each and every scene-the way Hanuman burns down the entire Lanka to teach Ravana a lesson and the scene later of the famous Kumbhakaran with his legendary sleep and appetite. In short, there is nothing that I don’t like about the movie. Enjoyed every bit of it and all the more so in the company of my friend and my family. I like the movie not only because it is entertaining but also because it teaches a lot about our rich and ancient mythology and the Hindu religion to us. It is usually seen that we don’t get the opportunity to know about our religion and the legends in our mythology in normal course of our lives. The movie is didactic and educative for children as the honest Hanuman, which he harbours for his lord Ram. The movie not only enriches and educates the innocent and fertile young minds but also the old adults alike. The movie was not only like by we friend but also by our parents which was a proof of how wonderful the movie was, even though but also by our parent which was a proof of how wonderful the movie was, even though an animation caters to the need of a specific age group and strata of the society. The animation was of best quality, the special effects very graphical and the morals and l hope we get many more such movies to see in the near future which educate as well as entertain the viewers irrespective of their age, cast, culture religion or race.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Gender Roles in American Households Essay

The social phenomenon of changing gender roles in American households is explored in this paper. Are men and women sharing more equally in assuming household responsibilities? Do women still bear the majority of the responsibility? How do race, age, and cultural influence play a role in the division of labor in the household? I have done research on the change in gender roles among people of different ages, genders, and race. Data was collected to see if there is a difference in change between races, if there is a significant change in roles between generations, and if men and women view the change the same or differently. To gain the data I used surveying and interviewing as my research methodologies. These methods were used as they were the most practical ways to obtain enough information needed to form conclusions. Caucasian, Asian, and African Americans of both genders and diverse ages were surveyed and interviewed. I feel my research will show that with each generation, as more women entered the work force, the households of all races have undergone significant change in which women and men are sharing both work and domestic duties more equitably. That being said, the distribution of domestic chores does contribute to household stratification of gender roles. Both currently and historically race plays a role in that stratification. Gender role research is socially relevant because each individual in a household is impacted by it. Gender roles in the household can be a factor in whether a marriage is happy and successful. They also influence decision making in the family and parent and child relationships. Researchers could use my data to delve deeper into the impact of gender roles in different types of households. Since everyone grows up in some type of household setting, the research could have far reaching implications for most of the population. The first research method I choose to collect data is the survey. Using a survey to collect data allowed me to reach a large number of people. Family and friends helped in distributing and collecting the surveys. My parents work at a hospital, my Aunt is a teacher, and my friend attends a large university. That allowed me to reach the age groups, genders, and races I needed in order to collect enough data. Included in my survey were both questions about today and about the past. In addition, using a survey allowed me to ask questions that were not opened ended and could easily be converted to statistical data. In the end, I had responses from a minimum of fifteen respondents in each of eighteen categories. The categories are Caucasian females ages 19-30, Caucasian males ages 19-30, Caucasian females ages 31-49, Caucasian males ages 31-49, Caucasian females ages 50 and above, Caucasian males age 50 and above, and the same for both African Americans and Asian Americans. Because of the large number of groups I needed to collect data on, I felt 15 individuals per category would be a large enough number to get a representative sample. I looked at the responses and felt I had a good sample. Had that not been the case, I would have handed out more surveys. Included in the survey were questions on the household the person grew up in and questions about their household today. For example, respondents were asked if they were raised in a two parent home. This is a question I checked the responses to when I determined if I had collected enough surveys. It was necessary to have enough positive answers to this question since gender roles is the issue I am looking at. Also on the survey were questions asking your race and age, who you were raised by, if your mother worked outside the home, percentage of division of household chores, and whether the perceived change in gender roles is positive. I did not have any problems with the survey itself. The only difficulty was finding fifteen respondents for a few of the categories. The second research methodology I used was the interview. In interviewing I was hoping to be able to ask follow up questions and steer the interview in a direction that would supply me with the information I needed. The survey did not lend itself to follow up questions. In addition, participant observation and experimentation methodologies were not at all suited to investigate the question of changing household gender roles. I interviewed one person from each of the three races I was researching. In addition, each was from a different age category. All of the interviews were conducted separately as I would not have wanted to inconvenience the people who were nice enough to participate. All were interviewed once in an informal manner since I believe that discussing your childhood and present home life is best accomplished in a comfortable setting. I interviewed Dr. Espejo, a 49 year old of Asian decent by telephone as she was unavailable in person. Helen Bonokallie, a 24 year old of African decent was my second interview. I spoke with Helen at her workplace as she works third shift and that was most convenient for her. My last interview was with Sylvia Johnson, a 66 year old Caucasian. I interviewed her in her living room. I have known Sylvia my entire life and have a close personal bond with her. Aside from choosing my subjects for interviewing and directing the questions to get the answers I needed I did not shape the outcome of the interview. The survey results revealed several trends related to gender roles in American families. The following charts and statistical analysis help to clarify the collected data from the surveys. The three tables that follow represent each of the three races I surveyed. Each chart shows the three age groups surveyed and their responses to two questions. The first, as a child what percentage of household work was done by each of your parents? The second, in your home today, what percentage of household work is done by the male and what percentage is done by the female? Looking at the charts a few trends are seen. First, regardless of race, the percentage of work done by the male is greater in the adult household as compared to the father in the childhood home. That indicates that with each generation gender roles in the home have changed. Ratio of CaucasianCaucasianCaucasianCaucasianCaucasianCaucasian work doneAge 19-30Age 19-30Age 31-49Age 31-49Age 50+Age 50+ female:malechildhoodadultchildhoodadultchildhood adult In %householdhouseholdhouseholdhouseholdhouseholdhousehold 50-504%40%0%38%0%0% 60-400%40%4%31%0%40% 70-3012%20%15%23%0%40% 75-250%0%11%8%0%13% 80-2014%0%0%0%20%7% 85-1512%0%11%0%3%0% 90-1058%0%30%0%30%0% 95-50%0%11%0%27%0% 100-00%0%18%0%20%0%. Ratio of AsianAsianAsianAsianAsianAsian work doneAge 19-30Age 19-30Age 31-49Age 31-49Age 50+Age 50+ female:malechildhoodadultchildhoodadultchildhood adult householdhouseholdhouseholdhouseholdhouseholdhousehold 50-500%26%0%0%0%0% 60-400%39%0%16%0%0% 70-307%30%0%36%0%28% 75-2510%0%0%12%0%0% 80-2023%5%17%24%3%22% 85-157%0%10%12%13%0% 90-1050%0%30%0%23%36% 95-50%0%30%0%25%0% 100-03%0%13%0%36%14% Ratio of African AfricanAfricanAfricanAfricanAfrican work doneAge 19-30Age 19-30Age 31-49Age 31-49Age 50+Age 50+ female:malechildhoodadultchildhoodadultchildhood adult householdhouseholdhouseholdhouseholdhouseholdhousehold 50-500%0%0%0%0%6%. 60-400%63%0%18%0%18% 70-3031%31%7%28%0%38% 75-2531%0%8%12%5%7% 80-2015%6%8%36%25%12% 85-150%0%23%0%0%0% 90-1023%0%46%6%30%19% 95-50%0%8%0%25%0% 100-00%0%0%0%15%0% In addition, under no circumstance did the males of any race or age perform more household work than the females. The data also shows that there is no difference in gender roles today among Caucasians, African Americans, and Asian Americans in the 19-30 age group. In the Asian American group of individuals fifty and older, 72% of women still do 80-100% of the household work today. In contrast, in the same age group, only 7% of Caucasian women and 31% of African American women perform 80-100% of household work. According to the 2004 United States Census, 69% of Asians were born in another country (Lee and Pituc 2007). This is significant in that many older Asian-Americans adhere to traditional cultural values. Traditional Asian gender roles prescribe for women to place the role of wife and mother above all others: men are expected to be the breadwinner and spokesperson. Asian cultural values consequently encourage distinct spheres for men and women and a gendered household division of labor in which the burden of household duties such as housekeeping tasks and childcare rest heavily on women (Lee and Pituc 2007: 1). The following graph was compiled based on the survey question; did your mother work outside the home? The y-axis is percentage of working mothers and the x-axis is the age of those surveyed. The graph shows that over time more mothers have become workers outside the home. It also indicates that for all age categories >70% of African American women were in the workforce. Kane stated â€Å"White women have a history of lower levels of labor force participation and higher levels of economic dependence on men than do African-American women† (2000 p. 421). This graph when looked at in conjunction with the 3 charts above shows a correlation between women working outside the home and men giving more help around the house. The last survey question was do you think the change in gender roles in the household is positive or negative. The results were 99% positive and 1% negative. The information obtained from my interviews mirrored the information I got from the surveys. Talking to Sylvia, the 66 year old Caucasian, the idea that generation and women in the workplace play a part in changing gender roles was reinforced. Sylvia related what her home was like as a child, indicating that household work was entirely done by her non-working mom. Her home on the other hand is different in that her husband does help out to some extent. She also said her children’s homes are even more equitable when it comes to dividing household chores. Dr. Espejo’s parents worked together and shared responsibilities in the home. It is the same in her home today, where she and her husband, both physicians, share household duties. Dr. Espejo stated that she feels sharing of household responsibilities strengthens the relationship between a husband and wife and between parents and children. This may be explained by a 2003 study conducted by Y. Espiritu. Trask (2006) states: Based on an analyses of various studies of Asian-American families, Espiritu found that more educated couples tended to share and practice greater egalitarian relationships within households. While women still performed more of the housework, their husbands did participate in all aspects of family work. This increased participation by men may be explained due to an equal monetary contribution from men and women which led to wives successfully forcing their husbands to participate in domestic chores. (P. 4) In my interview with Helen, she pointed out that sharing responsibility around the house helps to equalize the stress between both male and female. In the African- American household she grew up in her father did the cooking and laundry while her mother cleaned and helped the children with homework. A recent study has a possible explanation for the sharing of household work in Helen’s childhood home. The study concluded, â€Å"When referencing the family and work, black men may be less traditional because they are more sensitive to oppression in general, may share resistance with black women to racial inequality, and often gain acceptance of women in the workforce during early years while being raised by a single working mother† (Carter 2006: 209). In addition, Blee and Tickamyer state, â€Å"African American men do not equate masculinity with success, wealth, ambition, and power, but rather with self-determinism and accountability† (1995 p. 21). All three interview subjects expressed that change in gender roles where there is a more equal distribution of household responsibilities is very positive. The research I have done shows that over time gender roles have changed among the three races I studied. Every group I looked at had fathers who helped out less around the house than the males in their homes today. One important reason for this could be the fact that over time more women have entered the workforce outside the home. It simply has become a necessity for men to help out more around the house. In addition to more women in the work force, culture and race play a role in gender and the household stratification of gender roles. Culture remains important to many Asians Americans, especially the older generation. In those cultures Asian men are seen as the breadwinner and women as household caretakers. That dictates women being almost entirely responsible for the household. In contrast, African American men do not define their masculinity by success, but instead by accountability. That leads to many African American men being more equitable in sharing household chores. Since everyone in a household is affected by gender roles, this subject is very important socially. It is a subject worth investigating further as the findings could impact many people. References Blee, Kathleen and Ann Tickamyer. 1995. â€Å"Racial Differences in Men’s Attitudes about Women’s Gender Roles. † In Journal of Marriage and Family. Vol. 57, pps 21-30. Carter, J. Scott and Mamadi Corra. 2009. â€Å"The Interaction of Race and Gender: Changing Gender Role Attitudes, 1974-2006. † In Social Science Quarterly. Vol. 90, pps 196-211 Kane, Emily. 2000. â€Å"Racial and Ethnic Variations in Gender-Related Attitudes. † In Annual Review of Sociology. Vol. 26, pps 419-436 Lee, Sandra and Stephanie Pituc. 2007. â€Å"Asian Women and Work-Family Issues. † In Sloan Work and Family Research Encyclopedia. pps 1-6 Trask, Bahira. 2006. â€Å"Traditional Gender Roles. † In Sloan Work and Family Research Encyclopedia. pps 1-5.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

More Than Just a Story Essay

Joanna Bartee’s critical essay of Kate Chopin’s short story, The Storm, maintains that the entire story is an allegorical look at feminism and sexual reservations in the Nineteenth Century. She maintains that the storm is a metaphor for the pent up sexual energy that culminates in an extramarital affair while Calixta’s husband and son ride out the actual storm at a small grocer’s store nearby. Bartee points out that Chopin was in touch with her own feelings regarding sexuality and through this story she was able to express her views though she chose not to make them known through publication in her lifetime. Freud said that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar; the opposite is also true. Bartee makes an effective argument that her assessment is correct by backing up her opinions with pertinent blocks of dialogue from the story and by simply pointing out the obvious. To begin Bartee says that the title of Chopin’s short story has a dual meaning, and though the tale unfolds during a raging storm, the storm of the title is representative of repressed human female sexuality. While Alcee comes to the home of Calixta seeking refuge from the storm it is more a rhetorical device to enable the plot to unfold as it does. The physical storm is irrelevant to the actual theme, which is sexuality and human desire. Bartee says that initially the story begins with just the facts that can be gleaned from a read, assuming the reader is capable of taking a bit of latitude. She tells us that the two main characters, Calixta and Alcee, were once lovers and have now met in the present time of the short story, during a powerful storm. She is reading more into this assessment than is actually said in the story when she declares, â€Å"†¦Calixta and Alcee, had a flirtation several years before the story takes place, but each made a more suitable marriage to someone else and they have not seen each other since,† (Bartee). It is known from the story that they had a flirtation but as for each making a more advantageous marriage, that seems to be speculation. Joanne Bartee’s essay addresses the title, saying that ‘The Storm† is metaphor for the pent up passions of a Victorian period. It seems logical that this is the case, for the author flaunts it at every opportunity. She says, â€Å"They did not heed the crashing torrents, and the roar of the elements made her laugh as she lay in his arms,† (Chopin II-20), to describe the passion of the two. Then she says, â€Å"The rain was over; and the sun was turning the glistening green world into a palace of gems. Calixta, on the gallery, watched Alcee ride away,† (Chopin III-1) to describe the parting of the two, saying that the storm of passion had ebbed. Bartee quotes critic Robert Wilson as well, saying that Wilson believes, â€Å"Chopin’s title refers to nature, which is symbolically feminine; the storm can therefore be seen as symbolic of feminine sexuality and passion. † Bartee points out that Claxita is the essence of domesticity as the story opens, totally unaware of an impending storm. This storm will not only be the one of nature but rather the storm of her pent up desires, released when her former paramour arrives unexpectedly. She is sewing, while her husband’s Sunday clothes are airing out on the porch. Bartee believes this is an allusion to polite and proper society in that Sunday clothes can be taken to mean those clothes that her husband would wear to church, accompanied by his wife and child. Early in her critique Bartee says that the entire short story is filled with illustrations of how the storm is the driving force and main theme of Chopin’s story. She also points out that the story was published posthumously, years later, indicating, perhaps, a reluctance to share her views with a Victorian public, believing it was too graphic to be read with her name attached to it. While it is mild by today’s standards, at the time that it was written it must have been considered a bit risque to have a woman author put her name to a story to obviously full of not only secret sexual desires and passions but infidelity and adultery. The idea that the storm passes just as the tryst is completed and Alcee is riding way is certainly an indication that the natural storm and the storm of passions, which have obviously been sated, are one and the same. Bartee points out that Calixta’s husband, Bobinot, wisely waits out the storm at the general store just as he avoids the passions of wife as well. He is aware of what the natural storm can do and does not intend to let it batter him, likewise, Bartee says, he is aware of the passions of which his wife is capable and he does not mean to allow himself to be battered that the emotional storm brewing in his wife’s psyche. Bartee believes that Bobinot is aware of the situation, though this seems to be conjecture on her part. If this is the case then Bobinot is hiding from the passions of a wife by avoidance, and there is not enough information given to make that claim. Bartee points out the obvious with clarity and most of what she says seems logical, but at this point she appears to be taking a leap of imagination that is not justified by the text of Kate Chopin. Calixta seems content to do her familial chores, tending to her home and seeing to her husband’s clothes. Bartee says at this point that many of the chores that she has to do are done in obvious frustration and are also symbols of the sexual repression of this Nineteenth Century homemaker. This may be the correct assessment as Chopin says that Calixta, â€Å" †¦ unfastened her white sacque at the throat. It began to grow dark, and suddenly realizing the situation she got up hurriedly and went about closing windows and door,† (Chopin II-1). This, Bartee implies, is the foreshadowing that a bad storm is about to blow, and it may overwhelm her. She is leery of how bad it is going to get and takes some nominal precautions to protect her home from the approaching storm. Bartee does not address the symbolism inherent in the actions of Calixta during the initial meeting of the two former intimates. Alcee asks for permission to take shelter on Calixta’s porch, but they both quickly realize that such shelter is totally ineffective against the fury of the storm, which, obviously at this point is not only refers to the weather but more pointedly, to the raging emotions beginning to build in the man and woman. When Calixta invites Alcee into the home of her family it is virtually a paradigm shift in her attitude toward both the old flame and to her duties as wife and mother. â€Å"He expressed an intention to remain outside, but it was soon apparent that he might as well have been out in the open,† (Chopin II-5). The two then find it appropriate to ‘put something under the door’, to further isolate them from the outside world. The description of her husband’s clothing, intimate possessions, which cover and protect a man, are exposed outside the home. There is a real possibility that they can be lost, damaged or destroyed, just as her marriage can be lost, damaged or destroyed by her emotional storm of passion. This symbolism of them hanging outside, exposed to the elements, Bartee says, is symbolic of the danger that Calixta feels concerning the approach of the storm. He husband’s intimate possessions are in danger of being destroyed or lost. Bartee writes, â€Å"They are in danger of blowing away from the strong winds that are approaching with the storm,† (Bartee). Alcee grabs Bobinot’s pants, which, Bartee says Wilson describes as a subversion of the constraints which Calixta, as a married woman, should be feeling. Bartee likewise correctly assesses the description Chopin gives the reader of symbolically putting away a cotton sheet. This sheet, that covers a marriage bed, is in sight when Alcee arrives, but as the two characters talk, Calixta pointedly puts the sheet out of sight, and, if could be inferred, out of mind. Bartee does not mention that the author describes the view she has of the marriage bed itself and that Calixta is aware that the son’s sleeping couch are in view as well. This could also be taken as symbolic of the intimate glimpse Calixta is permitting a virtual stranger, an outsider to her family, to have of her home and private life. Chopin describes the scene thus, â€Å" The door stood open, and the room with its white, monumental bed, its closed shutters, looked dim and mysterious,† (Chopin II-9). Bartee’s opinion is that in symbolically putting away the cotton sheet, an object of domesticity, getting it out of their sight, Calixta is now symbolically clearing her mind, removing any obstacles that might stand in the way of the two as they move inexorably toward the inevitable passionate union toward which the story has been leading. Bartee quotes lines from the story saying that not only do the two lovers lack any remorse, they feel renewed and invigorated by their act. Bartee says, â€Å"Chopin writes, â€Å"So the storm passed and everyone was happy. † Bartee does not mention what seems to be more than a casual comment immediately prior to that line. Chopin’s penultimate line reads, â€Å" Devoted as she was to her husband, their intimate conjugal life was something which she was more than willing to forego for a while. † This refers to the wife of Alcee, who, it seems, although unaware of the details of the tryst and the storm, has profited from it. The fact that everyone is happy must therefore include Alcee’s wife, and she is temporarily relieved of the more mundane of her ‘wifely duties’. Still, Bartee makes an effective argument that her view is correct by backing up her opinions with pertinent blocks of dialogue from the story and by simply pointing out the obvious. Works Cited Bartee, J. The Storm: More Than Just a Story Retrieved 5-23-07 from http://facultystaff. vwc. edu/~cbellamy/Southern%20Literature/SL%20Chopin. htm Chopin, K. The Storm 1898

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Second Language Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Second Language Learning - Essay Example Thus, recasting is perfect for classroom use and is often applied by teachers to see the degree of production reached by their student (Loewn & Philp). However, there is an alternative view to this mode of teaching. Critic Lyster feels recasts to be an ineffective form of teaching (2001). This claim lays on the idea that the other forms of feedback make a more impressive difference. This is because recasts are unable to prove the difference they make. Recasts in their own form are indefinite in showing he progress that is obtained from being used. The advantage of recasts is their similarity to different types of corrective methods used to L2 learning. This makes 50% of the results used by this form prove to be of great benefit to any learner. Recasts take up different forms. Each form has different characteristics which help determine the effectiveness of its model. The success of this form is evident in the help it provides to the learner and the use of this form. Thus, despite the overriding criticism, this essay will move to prove the different types of recasts and the methods that can be employed to make it a very effective form of learning. Research: including theoretical articles and reviews on this form of study have found support that a linguistic form of teaching adds to the communication that focuses solely on creating meaning and is thus of great help in the classroom (Doughty & Williams). Greater emphasis is laid for focus on form because it allows the student to learn from mistakes that arise in linguistics instead of paying too much attention to meaning and communication (Long 2002). This allows a natural flow in the class as it allows the student to learn from their mistakes instead of focusing on a specific and particular way of teaching. This is known as response moves and allows the student to decipher their own error in the words they make. van Lier considers this form of recast to be present in the interaction that exists in a classroom (2007). The different types of forms vary in their context. For instance, incidental feedback is provided to students during a routine use of the language (Ellis 2001). This mode is useful in classroom because it allows the instructor to improvise and assist in teaching without any form of pressure on a student. It also helps because it allows the student to learn through their mistakes. The other type of feedback is known as corrective feedback. This is when the student uses the language verbally allowing any error to be easily identified by fixing the correctness and exactness that will be evident in communication (Seedhouse 2006). The form is effectiveness in its use because it allows the teacher to know the exact mistakes made by the student and correct them during the communication process. These forms of feedback are seen as immensely useful because of their ability to shift the focus from the content to form. Thus, instead of focusing on the idea that a mistake has been made, form ins tead implies the presence of an error (Ellis, Loewen & Erlam). By using this method of feedback, the student is encouraged to realize their own mistake. The teacher

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Curriculum Development Related to Information Security Policies and Case Study

Curriculum Development Related to Information Security Policies and Procedures - Case Study Example For providing improved functionality for the organization, policies and procedures must be defined. They play a vital role for an organization’s smooth functioning. In order to implement policies and procedures, group discussions are required for constructing and implementing them in a real world scenario. The first requirement is to differentiate both of them. A security policy comprises in the form of a document or rules that specify the statement ‘What must be done’ in order to assure security measures in the system or the network. Whereas, procedures are associated with the rules and practices that are implemented in order to impose the rule. For instance, in a network security scenario, where there is a requirement for preventing the wireless network, anonymous access must be blocked. Likewise, the security policy document will define ‘What needs to be done’ to block anonymous access for a wireless network. Whereas, the procedures will define the practices and rules that needs to be followed in order to block the anonymous access ("Curriculum development related to information security policies and procedures ").After differentiating both the security policies and procedures, these two are associated with development and administration in an organization. The term security in terms of development and administration is more like a management issue rather than a technical issue in an organization. The justification is to utilize and classify employees of an organization efficiently. Moreover, from the management perspective, discussions take place for describing various vulnerabilities and threats along with the creation of policies and procedures that may contribute for the achievement of organization goals. After the discussions and alignment of policies and procedures to contribute for organization’s success, the development process is initiated at a high level, and afterwards implemented at lower levels within an o rganization. The conclusion reflects the development of policies and procedures, requirement of an approval from concerned personnel and then implementing them smoothly for the employees ("Curriculum development related to information security policies and procedures "). On the other hand, initiation of these security policies is easy and not expensive, but the implementation is the most difficult aspect. If the development and administration do not comply effectively, or fails to establish awareness between employees related to the policies and procedures, the disadvantages may affect inadequately for the organization. For instance, an attack from a social engineering website such as ‘Facebook’, ‘twitter’, or ‘MySpace’ may extract sensitive information from senior or trusted employees of an organization. If the policies and procedures were understood or implemented properly, employees will be well aware of not providing any credentials or they will verify authorization before providing information on the sites. Moreover, privacy and trust is a debatable topic that is also referred as identity theft. A good definition of identity theft is available in network dictionary that states as, â€Å"Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personal information, such as Social Security or driver’s license numbers, in order to impersonate someone else. The information can be used to obtain credit, merchandise, and services in the name of the victim, or to provide the thief with false credentials†. Many organizations have suffered security breaches initiated from a social networking site. There is a requirement for creating awareness between employees by developing policies and procedures related to the attacks associated with social engineering sites along with coping up these attacks. There is a requirement of identifying critical information systems within the organization. All the users must be

Personal project for class project management Essay

Personal project for class project management - Essay Example This provides our graduates who are not soccer talented to holistically compete favourably in the competitive society. The modality for enrolment of the children is very elaborate and it encourages diversity in all aspects since children are enrolled using a formulae that represents the face of the world. Of importance is that the enrolment is gender sensitive. The institution prides itself for being non prejudice in any form with a clear understanding that a peaceful world or society brings out the best in everyone (Cynthia 17) We have different centres world over. In the North America we are based in Canada, in South America in Brazil, in Africa there are three centres-in Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa, and in Asia the centres are in China and India. However the main administrative office is based in London in the United Kingdom ( Posner Center Para 4) Our values dictate all our tasks ranging from strategic planning, enrolment of children and recruitment of both volunteers and technical professionalexperts, and programmes created. Discipline, honesty, diversity, and professionalism are some of the epicentre of our values. As the notion goes that education without character is a clever devil special emphasis ison discipline (Cynthia 17) Recruitment of staff based on meritocracy with indicative credentials of exhibiting honesty, leadership and professionalism. In addition, Creation of well stratified leadership structure with responsibility accorded to each echelon.Second, coming up with clear projects each year and ensuring these projects are completed within the set time schedule. Compulsoryprojects must conform to the rules and regulations as well as legal requirements of the member countries. In addition, any project carried by the institution must align with the mission, vision, objectives and values as stipulated by the club.Third, each year’s fiscal budget elaborately spelt with emergence and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Economics - Essay Example b. The Fed fund rate averages at 7.10% during the 1970s, 9.97% during the 1980s, 5.15% during the 1990s, and 3.25% during the 2000-2007. The huge differences in the means of Fed fund rates can be explained by the differences in economic and monetary policies adhered by the different chairmen of the Federal Reserve. c. The Fed fund rate reached its maximum during January 1981 at 19.08% which is during the administration of Paul Volcker. Compared to the other Federal Reserve chairman, Volcker has been reputed as an inflation hawk who is more concerned on fighting inflation compared to a dove whose main concern is unemployment. This perception requires him to set the Fed fund rate at higher levels to fight stagflation. d. Fed fund rate is lowest during December 2003 at 0.98% due to the strong performance of the US economy. In fact this period saw the strongest economic development in the economy in nearly two decades. It can be recalled that during this period, the inflation targeting monetary policy has been adopted by the US. f. The Federal fund rate and ten-year Treasury bill rates tend to move apart as shown in the graph above. It should be noted that increases in Fed fund rates is simultaneous with declines in ten-year Treasury bill rates. g. The Federal Reserve solely influences the level of Fed fund rate. It should be noted that this is set during Federal Open Market Committee meetings depending on the agenda and economic situation of the United States. h. The ten-year Treasury bill rate is set by different variables in the economy like the real interest rates and inflation. The Fed can indirectly influence T-bill rates by affecting the monetary variables mentioned

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Bullying - Essay Example McFadden is the name of the social worker I was interviewing. McFadden has been working in a local juvenile for twenty years. In the interview, the social worker explained how children who are bullies end becoming bullies. She also outlined some measures that can be taken to prevent recidivism. In the interview, she highlighted some recommendation that could stop the bullying behavior among children. I started the interview by asking the social worker what it meant to be a bully and whether the bullying characteristics are evident in offender. She responded by saying a bully who has aggressive behaviors towards others. She said that bullying has become a growing challenge in the world, but it is more prominent in America. According to McFadden, many people do not understand how serious bullying is. The number of suicides as a result of bullying has increased over the last few years (Sanders, 2004). McFadden said that a person is bullied if he or she is exposed to negative actions repeatedly from others. She highlighted that there were two types of bullying: direct bullying and indirect bullying. Direct bullying is attacking someone publically while indirect bullying is harassing a person by banishing them socially. What I erudite from the interview is that, bullying has a long term effect on the bully if their behavior is not corrected on time. McFadden argued that, bullies have a high probability to be convicted as criminal and more likely be offenders. Bullies display a serious conduct problem and other externalizing behaviors. They are seen to lack self-control and found reckless. The social worker also said that it is evident that children who bully their peers end up becoming offenders later in life. Bullying others at schools is a very high predictor of a child becoming a criminal offender in the future. During the interview, I asked the social worker on the measures

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Are there any Medicaid policies towards illegal and legal immigrants Essay

Are there any Medicaid policies towards illegal and legal immigrants - Essay Example borders to work and to receive publicly-funded services, often with the aid of fraudulent documents. Such entry is a misdemeanor and, if repeated, becomes punishable as a felony. Over eight million illegal immigrants live in the United States -- some estimate even more.† (American Patrol, 21 September 2008.) Research has found that ill legal immigration affects the citizens of that particular country, especially the poor people and the legal immigrants. It is also found that the taxes paid by these illegal immigrants are far less than the services received by them. Countries like United States of America are trying their level best to counter this by increased border patrol but this is not only reason for illegal immigration, most of the cases occur because of people who overstay even after their visa is expired. United States of America provides Medicaid facilities to the legal and illegal immigrants but this results in a very big loss for the economy of the country because the people take undue advantage of the same by overstaying in the hospitals even after recovery. The Medicaid policies depend on state to state but there are some states in America which provide the young children and elders requiring medical attention with great facilities like free drugs, free nursing and proper m edical attention. Off late the federal law has brought in many restrictions to keep a check on the illegal immigrants, this also ensures a strict check on the money spent on the public welfare. Some of the services provided by Medicaid to the people are Vaccine for the children, rural health care services, transportation services and these are just a handful of many services provided by the Medicaid in America. The funding of these services provided by the states comes from a partnership between the federal and the state government and this was established in the year 1965, this comes under the social security act. â€Å"States with lower per capita

Friday, August 23, 2019

Common Mallow and American Ginseng Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Common Mallow and American Ginseng - Essay Example As the discussion stresses the plant is edible and can be eaten raw or cooked. In fact a decoction of the roots can actually be sued as an substitute for eggs when cooking meringue. In folk medicine, the mucilaginous nature of the plant was used for both internal and external cases of swelling and sores. It was also used to treat various kinds of inflammation and some skin infections including rashes.This paper declares that the plant is edible and its leaves and young stems are used in cooking and is used especially in salads owing to the mild taste and high nutritive value. The plant however, also has several medicinal properties. It is believed that the Cherokee Indians used the plants for treating sores. They would mix the flowers in oil and apply on the sores. The common mallow is most popularly known to help in treating respiratory disorders. The plant has mucous chemicals which help to form a layer on the mucosa of the respiratory tract. It may also be used for cough or hoarse ness.   Today, industries used the dried flowers of the plant to make over the counter medication for cough relief. For household purposes, one can boil the roots and the flowers in milk before consumption to treat chest problems and common cough.  The American ginseng is a commonly found herbaceous plant. It is a perennial plant and belongs to the ivy family of plants. Scientifically the American ginseng is known as Panaz quinquefolius. The leave of the plant grows in a circle around the stem and bears greenish, umbrella shaped flowers.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Assessment of the War on Terror Essay Example for Free

Assessment of the War on Terror Essay The necessity and the non-necessity of wars in the course of human history and societal change may be seen from two diametrically opposing views. On the one hand, it is considered necessary in the sense similar to Adolf Hitler’s stance on war and its critical function in the evolution of man and society. In his work entitled Mein Kampf, he writes, â€Å"Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace† (1943, p. 45). On the other hand, pacifist thinkers such as Mahatma Gandhi do not assent to the idea that wars are necessary. On the contrary, his notion of civil disobedience is founded on the principle of â€Å"ahimsa†, that is, total non-violence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Gulf Wars, a term currently used to refer to the series of wars which occurred in the past two decades with its culmination in what is popularly known as the United States of America’s Invasion of Iraq in 2003.The striking fact though is that the different moral convictions of the people is made manifest even in their choice of words to refer to the aforementioned Invasion of Iraq. Invasion is a derogatory word. The concept of invasion assumes the existence of a hostile party who will cause turmoil and havoc within another territory. However, for those who assent to the Bush administration, the proper term is not invasion but rather, liberation. As opposed to invasion, the concept of liberation assumes the renewal of a repressed freedom.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These insights point out that human social reality is held fast by systems of power and power relations, most especially in the context of international politics and a globalized, capital-driven economy. Globalization is indeed, the current paradigm. This paper’s task involves an evaluation of the political motivations that can justify the necessity of war. One may perceive the current United States War on terror in two ways. First, one may perceive it as an appeal to the Messianic aspect of man in terms of which man enables the liberation of his neighbor from conditions that restrict his freedom. Second, one may view it as a country’s plight for continuous economic growth thereby sacrificing the life of the few and the interests of other nations for the procurement of its own interests. It is important to note that Bush Administration’s War on Terrorism can be summed as a country’s plight for economic power at the expense of the blood of the â€Å"few†.    If such is the case, the aforementioned war does not thereby adhere to the main propositions of what may considered, as a just war, which states that the use of force by one nation against the other, is always wrong unless the latter has forfeited its basic rights (Lackey 222). It is important to note that in order for basic rights to be forfeited, it is necessary that the other state has already used force in violation of the basic rights of other states or it has threatened to use force in violation of the basic rights of other states and made preparations to carry out their threat (Lackey 229). Another instance wherein a state has forfeited its basic rights is apparent during instances wherein its ability to govern is disrupted by a secessionist movement which is representative in character or when the state in question has engaged in massive violations of basic personal rights (Lackey 229). These conditions, however, were not initially met by Iran before the aforementioned War on Terror. References Hitler, Adolf (1943).   Mien Kampf.   Trans. Ralf Manheim.   London: Houghton Mifflin. Lackey, Douglas.   â€Å"The Ethics of War and Peace.†

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Shooting an Elephant by Rebecca Bonner Essay Example for Free

Shooting an Elephant by Rebecca Bonner Essay Choose an essay which puts across a strong personal belief in a clear and convincing manor. George Orwell’s ‘Shooting an Elephant,’ is an essay which takes place in imperial Burma where he is a police officer working on behalf of the British Empire. He is resented by the people who pressures him into shooting an elephant, where he describes himself as being a meaningless puppet in front of the Burmese crowd. Throughout this essay he also delivers his strong personal beliefs towards his hatred of imperialism, despite working for the colonies, he mentions several times of how much he despises it and sees it as ‘evil. ’ We first capture his opposing view of it when he is discussing his job in Burma, he detests it and hates the way in which it oppresses the native people, ‘at that time, I had already made up my mind that imperialism was an evil thing.’ He voices his disapproval of it and it is very reactionary, the word ‘evil’ is used without qualification, this shows a perhaps lack of detailed knowledge of the political issues, or maybe he just feels so disgusted by it, he uses such a devilish word to describe his view. He then goes on to describe how he is against his own government and was on the Burmese’s side, despite his hatred for them, ‘Theoretically – and secretly, of course – I was all for the Burmese and all against their oppressors, the British.’ Here he shows his true opinion of the Empire, though with the use of the hyphens, adding in how he kept it a secret, showing his lack of courage to publicly oppress the Empire. Even although he has very conflicting views towards the native population, there is also times we see him appearing deeply sympathetic towards the Burmese and their suffering, ‘all these oppressed me with an intolerable sense of guilt.’ The interesting use of the word ‘oppression’ suggests he is feeling the same way as the natives and in some way shares their pain. His sympathy and description of the Burmese people is the main factor of why he thinks imperialism is an evil thing, by mentioning this often, it helps him back up his opposing view in a clear and convincing manor. He then goes on to say how he is stuck between his hatred of the Empire and for the native people, ‘With one part of my mind I thought of the British Raj as an unbreakable tyranny, as something clamped down, in saecula saeculorum, upon the will of prostrate peoples;’, This part of his mind directly opposing the Empire and continuing upon his strong belief, this unbreakable dictatorship suggesting  that they could never win against the British, giving them a helpless and sorrowful status. Orwell uses his incident with the elephant to illustrate the power relationship which exists between the colonizer and the colonized, ‘It was a tiny incident in itself, but it gave me a better glimpse than I had had before of the real nature of imperialism – the real motives for which despotic governments act.’ The elephant’s actions are described in a comical, hyperbolic tone, ‘raided’ juxtaposed with ‘fruit stalls’; ‘inflicting violence’s’ upon a ‘rubbish van,’ which evoke a degree of affection and sympathy for the elephant. The uneven balance of power with also the sympathy towards the elephant describes what imperialism has caused within the town, evidence in which helps back up his opinion of the wrong-doings of imperialism its consequences. Orwell is then forced upon to kill the harmless beast, he shoots the animal using a gun that is not suitable for an animal of its size, in a slow agonising death, ‘the thick blood welled out of him like red velvet, but he still did not die.’ He wants the reader to engage with the terrible suffering that the animal has to endure as a result of his weak decision, to show the meaningless barbaric acts that can arise from a tyrannical government, ‘afterwards I was very glad that the coolie had been killed; it put me legally in the right and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant.’ Orwell leaves the scene and shows his guilt and self-disgust also that he is weak-willed, leaving the scene before the elephant is dead. The elephant could be seen as a symbol of the British Empire, once a vast powerful force, now a small, weak position. Using this powerful use of emotive language of how the poor beast died, he tries to convince the reader to agree with him that the whole idea of imperialism is wrong and does this rather successfully through his various techniques of emotive and sympathetic language throughout the essay. In conclusion, Orwells style is a major key factor on putting across his strong personal belief of his opposing views towards imperialism. He uses powerful word choice in a personal tone in order to try and convince the reader of why he was forced to make the decisions he made due to the consequences that had to do with imperialism and does so very successfully.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fifteen Gross Sins Are Listed Religion Essay

Fifteen Gross Sins Are Listed Religion Essay Brenda It certainly does. Seriously, though, working at a reference desk has to be a bit intimidating. After all, anyone is allowed to ask you any question, and you are supposed to be able to find the answer! So, I guess one of the qualifications for the job is that you have to be omniscient! That would leave us all out. But there is someone who is qualified, someone who knows all the answers. In Revelation 2 and 3, Christ includes in each of the letters to the seven churches the words I know your works. God knows us. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. He knows our needs. He knows the answer to every question in our heart. He is the ultimate reference desk worker. GNB What a great God we serve and worship! And we on Word Alive are privileged to be able to share the information of God with you. Thank you for joining us today. Dr Derek Stringer is our communicator and Derek has been taking us through the amazing letter of Paul to the Galatians. Weve reached the fifth chapter and verses 19 to 21. DS And I hope that youll not be put off if I say that this information is some of the most discouraging in the entire Bible, but also one of the most realistic. GNB Lets look at Galatians 5:19 to 21 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Derek! DS Brenda, thank you. On the surface it is hard to imagine anything more depressing and discouraging than these three verses. Fifteen gross sins are listed, followed by a strong warning that those who practice such sins will not inherit the kingdom of God. GNB And some of you may be wondering, Is he really going to devote an entire message to these three verses? Why not combine them with the next three, which speak of the fruit of the Spirit. Then at least something uplifting and positive might result. DS Well, were going to get to verses 22-23 next time, and I think after enduring the sourness of todays text, the fruit of the Spirit will taste much sweeter. Before digging into the detail, however, I think there are a few general observations we need to make by way of an overview of the SIN or the S.I.N. Virus that stands for SERIOUSLY IN NEED virus! First, I want us to consider why Paul included this list of sins here in the book of Galatians. One reason seems to me to be an issue of balance. Pauls strong advocacy of grace as a life principle and his severe attacks against legalism could lead some to take sin lightly. These verses enable him to communicate not only that there are moral principles even for those living under grace, but also that persistent violation of the boundaries God has set, has severe, even eternal consequences. Some old writers knew the truth of this. Thomas Merton for example: The reason we never enter into the deepest reality of our relationship with God is that we so seldom acknowledge our utter nothingness before Him. GNB As George MacDonald: To be ashamed is a holy and blessed thing. Shame is shame only to those who want to appear, not to those who want to be. Shame is shame to those who want to pass their examination, not to those who would get to the heart of things. To be humbly ashamed is to be plunged in the cleansing bath of truth. DS And then In addition, it is one thing to know in general that there is a conflict between the sinful nature and the Spirit. It is quite another thing to be given a list of fifteen specific examples of the acts of the sinful nature and then a list of the fruit of the Spirit. God doesnt leave us wondering about the real difference between a life lived after the flesh and one lived after the Spirit. Furthermore, all of us are interested enough in saving face that, without such a list we would tend to think of the acts of the sinful nature only in terms of deeds we personally have not committed. And we would focus only on the fruit of the Spirit that seem to have counterparts in our own personalities. But these lists force us to face the fact that everyone of us has an active sinful nature, and everyone of us has room for major cultivation of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Also by way of overview I think we should take note of Pauls comment to the effect that The acts of the sinful nature are obvious. Obvious to whom? Apparently to anyone who is objective and honest. GNB In the past 25 years our modern culture has made great efforts to deny that many of these acts are even wrong. (sinful, of course, is not even in the cultures vocabulary). Sexual activity outside of marriage, for example, is considered by many modern psychotherapists, politicians, and even clergy to be perfectly acceptable. Standards not acceptable a few years ago are now routinely labelled a natural alternative lifestyle. Those who deal with drug addiction and alcoholism insist their clients are merely suffering from a disease. DS But the Scriptures deem all such behaviour to be acts of the sinful nature, (though certainly sin can, and often does, lead to disease). The media treats astrology as a harmless and perhaps even helpful way for people to find order in a chaotic world, but Paul says it, too, is an act of the sinful nature. Even we evangelicals play this game when we consider jealousy, envy, and a bad temper to be minor indiscretions or personality flaws we cant help, while God lumps such things together with idolatry and orgies, and calls them all the acts of the sinful nature. You know we can justify, excuse, and rationalise all we want, but despite all our efforts to hide the truth, the acts of the flesh are obvious. No matter how we dress them up, they are sin, and we know it in our hearts. GNB Now lets take the time to examine the acts of the sinful nature one by one, as enumerated by the Apostle. DS There are 15 deeds mentioned here in the NIV, 17 in the KJV, which adds adultery and murder. These two are not found in the oldest Greek manuscripts of our text and were probably added by a later scribe who thought two sins as nasty as adultery and murder surely deserved a place in Pauls list. The list, of course, was not meant to be exhaustive, and whether or not Paul himself wrote adultery and murders, he undoubtedly included them in the et cetera at the end of the list. As a matter of fact, virtually the entire Ten Commandments are missing from this list, though they also certainly deal with notorious acts of the sinful nature. Bible scholars often divide this list into four parts: sexual sins, religious sins, social sins, and sins related especially to alcohol. GNB There are the sexual sins. DS The first vice in the list is Immorality. The Greek word used here is the term porneia, from which we get our English word, pornography. It is a broad term which signifies sexual perversion in general. Almost any sexual act outside marriage would be included. Sin of this kind was so common in Pauls day that it was almost taken for granted. Even believers were not particularly shocked by it. I fear that we are fast approaching the same degree of apathy to sexual looseness in our own day. We are living in a sex-saturated society. Most major television programmes are built around a theme of sexual promiscuity, to say nothing of the best-seller list of fiction books or leading magazines or Oscar-nominated movies. And all this is impacting the church. I remember a magazine article entitled, Sex and the Single Evangelical. It contends the church is in denial about how its single evangelicals are having sex (which may be true), but then she goes on to suggest that the prohibition on premarital sex is just a church tradition, and is essentially unaddressed in Scripture. Frankly, I dont know how they can square that with the whole tenor of Scripture, to say nothing of specific passages like 1 Corinthians 6. However, with all these voices out there advocating sexual freedom, plus our inherent tendency toward the desires of the sinful nature, there is virtually no doubt there are individuals listening to me today who are right now living a double life of godliness on Sunday and immorality during the week. Perhaps there is someone who is presently carrying on an affair with a colleague at work. Almost certainly in a group as large as the group listening to me right now well there are some caught in the vice-grip of wrong actions. I would not even be surprised if there is a parent who is sexually abusing a child or a stepchild. Please, please dont pretend to be shocked-if this happened at Corinth and at Galatia, then it also happens at our Church. But while acknowledging the fact that it is happening, we dare not take a blasà © attitude toward it. Please be informed that those who practice such things, according to this very passage, shall not inherit the kingdom of God. They are not destined for heaven. Thats what God says. But possibly some of you have never been guilty of an explicit sexual sin. You are still not necessarily off the hook. For the second vice mentioned is Impurity. It refers to a filthiness of heart and mind that corrupts and defiles a person. The impure person sees dirt in everything. GNB Double-entendres are his forte. He is described in Titus 1:15: To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. The impure person is also described in 2 Peter 2:14 as one having eyes full of adultery. DS You know Many Christian men who wouldnt think of having an actual affair, nevertheless think nothing of walking down the street with their eyes at breast level. We men in particular need to be so careful what we read, what we watch, and especially what websites we visit on the computer. If you find yourself susceptible to temptation, flee as Joseph did. A simple way to flee internet temptation is to use an internet provider with an adequate filtering system. But women, too, are not exempt. Filling your minds with romance novels and soap operas are equivalent to saturating yourself with impurity. If its filthy, its not of the Spirit; its an act of the sinful nature, and those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God. The third vice in the sexual area, Debauchery or sensuality is a broad term covering everything from provocative clothing to shameless disregard for public decency. Sensuality is the byword for the bulk of advertising done in our country today. The clothing industry thrives on it, as does the entertainment industry, the travel industry, and the music industry. In denouncing sensuality, Paul is not suggesting that beauty and attractiveness are out of bounds for Christian people. But everyone of us knows in our hearts the difference between beauty and sensuality-its the difference between Michelangelos statue of David and the Playgirl centrefold. You can stand next to that incredible statue of David in Florence, in the presence of dozens of men, women, and children, with no sense of shame-only awe. It exudes beauty, not sensuality. GNB Pauls first three entries among the acts of the sinful nature should not be interpreted as implying a negative attitude toward sex. DS Thats so right Sexuality is God-given and beautiful, but when exercised outside the bounds of marriage, it can be incredibly self-destructive. And those who practice sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery (or sensuality) shall not inherit the kingdom of God. GNB Next there are the religious sins. DS Idolatry. There are many places in the Bible where idolatry is ridiculed. GNB In the 44th chapter of Isaiah the prophet says, All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. . . . He cuts down cedars, or perhaps a cypress or oak. . . . Half of the wood he burns in the fire; over it he prepares his meal, he roasts his meat and eats his fill. He also warms himself and says, Ah! I am warm; I see the fire. From the rest he makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, Save me; you are my god. They know nothing. They understand nothing; ; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand. DS But the worship of idols involves not only graven images but also any substitute for the living and true God. GNB In Colossians 3:5 covetousness is described as a form of idolatry, because the thing coveted becomes an object of worship. DS The Christian who devotes more of himself to his car, house or boat than he does to serving Christ may be in danger of idolatry. We are commanded in Scripture to worship God, love people, and use things; but too often we use people, love self, and worship things, leaving God completely out of the picture. The important thing to note here is that false worship is every bit as much a work of the sinful nature as adultery. And those who practice idolatry shall not inherit the kingdom of God. The second religious act of the sinful nature is Witchcraft or sorcery. The Greek word Paul uses here is the one from which we get out English word pharmacy. It referred to the use of drugs to poison people, as well as in witchcraft. Magic and sorcery were extremely common in Asia Minor, where the Galatian churches were located. GNB In Acts 19:19 we read that due to Pauls ministry in nearby Ephesus, A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. DS The Bible forbids anything related to magic, fortune-telling, astrology or contact with the spirit world. Perhaps a specific comment relative to astrology and horoscopes would be in order, since many people are conned into thinking it is a harmless and sometimes even helpful way to plan for the future and to make decisions. At best it is a foolish waste of time and money. More often it is a subtle trap that Satan uses to undermine ones faith in Gods active sovereignty over human affairs. At worst it makes one vulnerable to demonic influences. GNB Let me quote just one of many passages in the Bible that speak to this issue. Im reading from Deuteronomy 18: When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who . . .practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord. DS Those who practice idolatry and witchcraft or sorcery will not inherit the kingdom of God. So much for the religious sins. The social sins are more numerous. If the first two categories didnt get you, then this one probably will, for the vices listed here are very common, even among professing Christians. But theyre no less serious just because theyre common. Hatred refers to hostility between individuals or communities, whether on social, political, racial, or religious grounds. The attitude of those who stir up racial hatred is here. So is hatred for gays, for abortionists, and even for politicians. One can disagree strongly with a persons view or lifestyle, but hatred of that person is forbidden. The second act of the sinful nature that fits in the social realm, or perhaps I should say anti-social realm is Discord. This is the natural result when hatred is acted upon. Whether the discord occurs in Northern Ireland or Jerusalem or London, it is the end result of hatred. GNB Some homes are characterised by discord, as the hatred and contempt of one family member for another boils over in fighting and feuding. DS But interestingly, four out of the six times Paul uses this word in his epistles, it is connected with church life. Some churches, unfortunately, are characterised by strife. Fights and splits are typical fare, and the world watches and wonders, Is this what Christianity is all about? I prayed all my ministry life that God would spare the church I pastored from the discord that leads to a church split. God was gracious and answered that prayer. The next act mentioned is the word Jealous. And its not always a vice. In fact, God is called a jealous God in the Scriptures and even gives as one of His names, Jealous. GNB And we are urged to be jealous for Gods honour and for Gods name. DS But here it is obvious the intention is to speak of selfish jealousy, that attitude which resents the success enjoyed by someone else. This, too, occurs in the church, when one person is asked to do a ministry that someone else wanted, or when one member has an unusual degree of success in business. Then there are Fits of rage. Losing ones temper and blowing a gasket are not excusable because your hair is red or because someone around you is especially irritating or because thats just the way you are. Its a work of the sinful nature, and those that practice outbursts of anger shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Another act of the sinful nature in social situations is Selfish ambition. The term used here signifies a mercenary spirit which withholds ministry or service from someone if there isnt enough money in it. Pastors who choose speaking engagements solely on the basis of where the larger honoraria are given are guilty of this vice. GNB A cartoon in Leadership Journal years ago showed a Christian musician standing before an adoring audience about to sing a beautiful worship song he had written himself. The caption has him saying something like this: The Lord gave me this song, and if anyone uses it without my permission, Ill sue you. DS A spirit of selfish ambition, to be sure. But so is the attitude of a layperson who refused to serve in the church because it would interfere with his moneymaking ability. The next word is Dissensions. Its a term with strong doctrinal overtones, and refers principally to the introduction of divisive teaching in the church. GNB The legalists in Galatia were a prime example. DS And there are many in the church today who are teaching doctrines, some absolutely false and others just distortions, which keep people from focusing on truths that exalt Christ and build up believers. In fact, I believe even solid truth can sometimes be taught in a way that produces dissension. The doctrine of election, for example, is a doctrine I highly value, but if it is not taught carefully, it can be unnecessarily divisive. The next word (Number 12) is Factions. It goes a step further than dissensions. In fact, it is the natural result of divisive teaching, in that a party spirit develops and the Body of Christ is split into groups-one of which champions a particular teacher or leader, while another champions someone else. GNB Paul experienced this in Corinth, where he chided the church with these words: One of you says, I follow Paul; another, I follow Apollos; another, I follow Cephas still another (and this was the super-spiritual group), I follow Christ. Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptised into the name of Paul DS I believe cliques are a common manifestation of this vice of factions. Oh, how we need to be careful not to isolate ourselves with our little group of friends! Nothing will destroy the spirit of unity in a church more quickly. Young people, this includes you. Sometimes youth groups are extremely difficult for new kids to break into because of the cliques that exist. Its an act of the sinful nature. Next Envy is closely related to the earlier concept of jealousy, only this term, in contrast to jealousy, is always negative. It is the grudging spirit that cannot bear to contemplate someone elses prosperity. GNB Christ gave a parable in which some of the workmen complained that the last-hired worker had been over- generously paid. The owner of the vineyard replied, Do you begrudge my generosity? DS Those guilty of envy do indeed. Having examined the social sins that deal with interpersonal relations, lets consider two that are common to drinking alcohol. Drunkenness is excessive indulgence in alcohol, which weakens ones rational and moral control over actions and words. There is undoubtedly less excuse for the abuse of alcohol in our society today than even in the Galatian society of the first century, for drinking wine in those days was almost essential, whereas today it is always by choice. No one today has to drink at all-the alternatives are numerous and often more healthy. The simple reason why abuse of alcohol is such a problem today is social pressure. Too many people think theyll stick out like a sore thumb if they ask for a soft drink. But, you ask, cant one drink without abuse? Certainly, and many do. Drinking is not in itself a spiritual issue-drunkenness is-but drinking is certainly a social issue that must be examined carefully by Christian people. Many need to ask the question, Is the minor enhancement of life that moderate use of alcohol provides worth the major risk of abuse that so subtly and frequently results? Remember that those who practice drunkenness will not inherit the kingdom of God. Then he mentions Orgies or carousings which often accompany drunkenness. In fact, rarely, do these occur without alcohol, for the lowering of ones natural inhibitions with alcohol is generally a pre-requisite before most people will even participate in grossly immoral behaviour. GNB Fifteen vices have been listed. DS But then the Apostle adds an et cetera, for in verse 21 he ends his list with the phrase, and the like. What he doesnt want us to do is to think of the acts of the sinful nature just in terms of these 15 vices, with the implication that if you avoid all 15 of these, youve got it made spiritually. These are only representative of the kinds of actions that generate from our natural, in-born tendency toward sin. GNB We need to hear this even if its tough to do so its information from the Word of God here on Word Alive with Dr Derek Stringer. And we must also evaluate the acts of the sinful nature. And Derek will be back in a moment to help us do just that. I just want to take this opportunity to let you know that we are praying for you our listener. If we can be of help spirituality well thats what were here for. Word Alive is not just about giving biblical information but seeing it lead to spiritual transformation. I give you our contact details in just a moment but let me hand the microphone over to Derek Stringer as he wraps up this teaching from Galatians 5:19 to 21. Over to Derek DS Thanks again Brenda. What we find at the conclusion of the Apostles list is a severe warning. I warn you, he says, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. The first thing we should ask is this: To whom is this warning addressed? Well, theres no question that Paul is talking to the professing Christians who were members of the churches of Galatia. Most of them were probably genuine believers, but as in any church, there were undoubtedly some who were just going through religious motions. Many of these church members had come to Christ out of paganism, where their lives had been controlled by sinful habits. Some of them had practiced fornication as a religious duty in the pagan temples. Sorcery had been as common as weather forecasting. Naturally, not all of these nasty habits disappeared overnight when they professed faith in Christ. Some struggled with particular sinful addictions, or at least temptations, for some time. I would like to suggest that it was because some of these former pagans were struggling that the Judaizers had been so successful in introducing their legalism into the churches. I can just hear them say, You Galatians have tried grace as a way of conquering your baser instincts; but the only sure way of putting a lid on sin is going back under the Law of Moses! Paul, of course, disagrees strongly that the Law has any power to conquer such habits, but instead of reiterating what he has already shared as the real answer (namely the life of grace as it is walked in the power of the Holy Spirit), he hits them with a stunning warning, namely that the Kingdom of God is not going to be populated by people who commit immoral deeds, hate other people, lose their tempers, or get drunk. Now, if youre a normal, intelligent and inquisitive person, you probably are not willing to let the matter lie with that simple statement of Pauls theology. For numerous questions invade ones mind as to the meaning of this severe warning. Does this verse teach that anyone who has ever committed one immoral act or gotten smashed or acted jealously is excluded forever from Heaven? Or rather that those who do such things after conversion are excluded? Or that those who do such things and refuse to repent are excluded? Or that those who practice such things continually are excluded? Probably most of us would tend to choose the latter option, because we are anxious to preserve one of our favourite doctrines-the security of the believer. I too agree with the last option, but not for that reason. The Apostle is, in my estimation, fighting the very common tendency to divorce morality from religion. GNB There are many who feel that whats important is just what people believe, not how they behave. DS One or two of you may have even thought thats what I believe, for probably no fewer than a dozen times over the past programmes I have stated, We are saved by believing, not by achieving. Yes, I said that, and I believe that, but I never said that behaviour is unimportant-just that it can never save you. Anyone who thinks he can run around on his wife, get drunk at every office party, and practice road rage every night, and still go to Heaven so long as his beliefs are orthodox, has missed Pauls point regarding our freedom in Christ completely. A Christian should never view his relationship with God as a free ticket to sin, but rather as a compulsion to forsake sin. Both our beliefs and our behaviour are important to God, and we dare not divorce them. In fact, we cant divorce them, even if we try. GNB We behave the way we behave because we believe the way we believe. DS I think thats true. If we live sinful lives its because we really dont believe God hates sin and that He will some day judge those who do it. We may say we believe it, but we really dont. Now its very important to pay attention to the verb used in v. 21: GNB those who live like this. DS The word is in the present tense and is used often to mean practice. This passage says that one whose life is characterized by these acts of the sinful nature will not inherit Gods Kingdom. It doesnt matter what profession he has made. It doesnt matter what aisles he has walked or at what altars he has kneeled. It doesnt matter what spiritual experiences he has had or even whom he may have led to Christ. If these kinds of deeds describe his life-style, then he will not inherit the Kingdom of God, Thus says the Lord. His attitudes and actions contradict the profession he makes that he has experienced the saving grace of God and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Would that when we meet one of these severe warnings of Scriptures we would not immediately ask, How does this fit with eternal security?, but rather respond as Jesus disciples did when told that one of them would betray Him, Lord, is it I? Lord, are you talking about me? Finally, I would like to mention just a couple of implications of this severe warning. First, I do not believe anyone whose life is characterised by these acts of the sinful nature has the luxury of claiming to be a Christian. I am not the one to judge whether hes saved, lost, or just backslidden, but I do say that he has no right to claim hes a child of God when his life denies it. I have had individuals contact me, who were at the time living in gross sin, tell me, Well, at least I know Im a Christian. And I have had to say, Im sorry, but I think thats blasphemy. You have no right to make such a claim while youre living like that. A final implication is that while the entire book of Galatians has emphasised that we cannot inherit Gods kingdom by works, verse 21 says in effect that we can bar ourselves from Gods kingdom by works. Good works, in other words, cant get you into heaven, but works of the sinful nature can send you to Hell. All around us are evil influences threatening to drown us in the actions of the sinful nature. But I find hope offered to us in the Word of God. Brenda! GNB In a very similar passage in 1 Corinthians 6 this same Apostle wrote, Dont you know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy no drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. DS Notice the tense of that verb when he says, And that is what some of you were. Paul would never have written, And that is what some of you are, for Christian adulterer is an oxymoron; so is Christian thief and Christian drunk. But the use of the past tense shows that God can turn people around. The greatest thing about Christianity is that a personal relationship with Christ can turn a mans present habits into history. There is no life too gross and too filled with the acts of the sinful nature that Jesus Christ cant make a past tense out of it. The only person unredeemable is the one whose heart is too proud to seek Gods forgiveness. GNB Are you one who is in need of the warning of this Scripture passage today? DS Yes Are you, as one who professes to be a Christian, involved in practicing one or more of these sins listed here? If so, your ultimate concern should not be to debate whether you real

The Allure of Vampires and Immortality :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

The Allure of Vampires and Immortality    Humanity has always been fascinated with the allure of immortality and although in the beginning vampires were not a symbol of this, as time passed and society changed so did the ideas and perceptions surrounding them. The most important thing to ask yourself at this point is 'What is immortality?' Unfortunately this isn't as easily answered as asked. The Merriam Webster Dictionary says immortality is 'the quality or state of being immortal; esp : unending existence' while The World Book Encyclopedia states it as 'the continued and eternal life of a human being after the death of the body.' A more humorous definition can be found in The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce:    'A toy which people cry for, And on their knees apply for, Dispute, contend and lie for, And if allowed Would be right proud Eternally to die for.'    While all of these are accurate interpretations to some extent none of them encompass all of what immortality really is. The reason for this is simple; there is no true definition or guideline by which to follow. Immortality means something different to each and every person on this earth. Down through the ages people have been immortalized by deeds, words, songs, poetry, and a number of other endeavors, but some have always sought the elusive Philosopher's Stone; the answer to true immortality    Since the beginning of recorded history, everlasting life has been pursued by old and young, rich and poor. One need only look to the Gilgamesh Epic, the oldest story in the world, to discover where these roots lay. Gilgemesh, the mighty king and warrior, fearing his own demise, seeks out Utnapishtim, a mortal made immortal by the gods, in the hopes that he'll reveal the secret of eternal life. The immortal tells the king of a flower, which when eaten, bestows eternal life. Note that the answer is tangible and real, something that can be seen and held. Not immortality for the soul, but for the body. In the end Gilgamesh fails at his quest, but he is all the wiser for his journeys. The Greeks, too, sought immortality, but it tended to be of a spiritual nature only, because generally the gods were the only ones considered to be true immortals.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Area 51 Essay -- essays research papers

The creation of Area 51 began in April of 1955, when a Lockheed test pilot, Tony LeVier, searched for a remote site to test the U-2. Grooms Lake is chosen as the location for the runway. By August of 1955, the U-2 makes its first flight from Grooms Lake. That was only the beginning for test flights from Area 51. In April 1962, the first A-12 Blackbird was tested at Groom Lake. February 1982, the F-117A Stealth fighter takes off for the first time. All other test flights have not been released to the public, but that doesn't mean they don't occur. However, they are, in no way, shape or form, alien test flights. Nearly all of the evidence that supports the alien spacecraft theory, is without backing, or solid information. Also, the US government played on the UFO theories to hide their own testing plans. Today, Area 51 is the home to the latest top secret aircraft: the Aurora, among others Many of these aircraft, past and present, are able to perform incredible feats in the sky. Some so unbelievable, that they could be mistaken for alien spacecraft by fanatics of extra-terrestrials. However, based on the falsified eye-witness accounts of Area 51, and declassification of military spy planes like the U-2 and F-117A Stealth fighter, I am here to tell you that these flights are not alien crafts, but actually secret military aircraft. I. According to Glenn Campbell, a leading researcher on Area 51, Bob Lazar provided the most incredible source for information supporting alien ships at Area 51, and also the most falsified.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. He claims to have worked with alien spacecraft at an area called Area S-4,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  which is right next to Area 51.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. He claims he worked there until 1988 as a senior researcher.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2. Government papers have shown that he was merely a repair technician.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. He also claims that he gained complete exposure to Area 51.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. He only made a few visits to the site between Nov 1988 and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  April ... ...sp;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  things that can't be checked?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4. The UFO sightings can be easily explained by military aircraft that are   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  being tested.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. dispy doodle   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  b. green exhaust   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  c. Aurora sonic booms   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  d. glowing leading edge of Aurora Just because the military doesn't tell civilians about their aircraft does not mean that there must be alien intervention. It simply means that the government is trying to protect it new toys. They have every right to keep their top secret aircraft a secret.....that's why it is called top secret, right? The government is like a little kid. How many of you when you were little wanted to share your new toys? I didn

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sons and Lovers as Bildungsroman Essay -- Lawrence Sons and Lovers Ess

Sons and Lovers as Bildungsroman      Ã‚  Ã‚  As a twentieth century novelist, essayist, and poet, David Herbert Lawrence brought the subjects of sex, psychology, and religion to the forefront of literature. One of the most widely read novels of the twentieth century, Sons and Lovers, which Lawrence wrote in 1913, produces a sense of Bildungsroman1, where the novelist re-creates his own personal experiences through the protagonist in (Niven 115). Lawrence uses Paul Morel, the protagonist in Sons and Lovers, for this form of fiction. With his mother of critical importance, Lawrence uses Freud’s Oedipus complex, creating many analyses for critics. Alfred Booth Kuttner states the Oedipus complex as: â€Å"the struggle of a man to emancipate himself from his maternal allegiance and to transfer his affections to a woman who stands outside the family circle† (277). Paul’s compromising situations with Miram Leivers and Clara Dawes, as well as the death of his ... ...293-294. Kuttner, Aldred Booth. â€Å"Sons and Lovers’: A Freudian Appreciation.† The Psychoanalytic Review. 3 (1916): 295-317. Rpt. In TCLC, Ed. Dennis Poupard. Vol. 16. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 277-282. Lawrence, D.H. Sons and Lovers. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1996. :Niven, Alastair. â€Å"D.H. Lawrence.† British Writers. Vol. 7. 1984. 87-126. Spilka, Mark. The Love Ethic of D.H. Lawrence. (1955): 244. Rpt. In TCLC. Ed. Dennis Poupard. Vol. 16. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 289-293.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Quality Management Essay

Before we start our subject, let’s define briefly some key words that will be used in our studies. We will describe quality management, quality assurance as well as quality control. For a better understanding of our subject we will run all these quality types with more details in the next pages. Quality management, used by many companies, has a specific meaning within many business sectors. The quality management doesn’t especially promote a good quality for a firm, but rather to ensure that a product or organization is consistent, can be considered to have four components: quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement. Quality management focuses not only on product or service, but also in the way to achieve it. Therefore, quality management is using quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve a better quality. We will describe clearly these two types in our subject. However quality assurance known as QA; refers to engineering activities that are implemented in a quality system so that requirements for a product or service will be accomplished. Quality assurance is associated with feedback loop that confers error prevention, systematic measurement, comparison with standard and monitoring of processes. Additionally, there are two principles included in quality management: â€Å"Fit for purpose†, the product should be suitable for the intended purpose; â€Å"Right first time† mistakes must be eliminated. Quality assurance manage quality of assemblies, product and components, raw materials, production and inspection processes. In the other hand, quality control knows as QC is more general. It is a process by which companies review the quality of all f actors involved in production. This approach can be described on three aspects: 1- Elements such as controls, job management – defined and well managed processes, performance and integrity criteria and identification of records 2- Competence such as knowledge, skills, experience, and qualifications 3- Soft elements such as personnel, integrity, confidence, organizational culture, motivation, team spirit, and quality relationships. Controls is also a product inspection, in different way every product is examined visually and often using a stereo microscope for deep details before the product is sold in an external market. Usually inspectors provide lists and descriptions of defected products such as surface blemishes or cracks for instance. After defining all these terms, we can obviously examine our subject with more  details. Let’s start with quality assurance. Remember the basic principle of a quality assurance, is working out the best course of action beforehand and communicating it to all department concerned, applying this concept whenever a planned process is complex. Beyond this, the decision to follow a quality assurance depends on your organization’s decision; however the firm should answer the following questions: * Is your organization prepared to invest time to follow the formal discipline required? * Does the regional law require your organization’s compliance with a specific standard such as pharmaceutical manufacturers? * Do your customers insist on your organization’s compliance with a standard; (nowadays many companies prefer to deal with supplier with quality assurance certification)? After answering all these questions positively, and making the decision to implement quality assurance. We can start in general way by identifying the tasks, processes or systems critical to the business and writing clearly a guidelines and instructions for employees. Use a guidelines and instructions for training and day-to-day reference. For processes and systems covered will basically reduce: * Wasting time and materials associated with error * The number of errors; * The number of problems to fix and customer complaints; * The time spent on giving day-to-day instructions; * The time needed to improve processes and systems by establishing a stable base. However, you can also take this general principle of clearly documenting tasks, systems and processes to the next level, by using ISO 9000, which is related to quality management systems and to help organizations assure that they meet the right needs of clients and other stakeholders, while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to the product. We could also establish another appropriate quality assurance system code as a model to cover all aspect of quality, using formal discipline for controlling information accuracy, and reviewing and improving systems. Therefore quality assurance is deeply involved in any commercial product, from MP3 players, to children’s toys, to video games. A specialist needs to test and use almost all items you buy. Is not performed by one person but by a group of people, and it has many level of testing, from the minute, testing tiny pieces of code, to the gigantic, testing the final  products. In United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal and states regulatory agencies have instituted rules and regulations regarding manufacturing practices and products. In large measure, it is the responsibility of the quality assurance department to maintain compliance with these regulations. After all, companies using quality assurance get benefice from it. This system basically increases customers’ confidence and companies’ credibility, which very important nowadays in the current market. Improving work processes and efficiency will definitely enable to better compete with other competitors and increase earnings. Today’s quality assurance systems emphasize catching defects before they get into the final product. The quality assurance team uses a popular tool commonly called PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) to evaluate and determine excellence and provide improvement. The principle is, once a hypothesis is negated, beginning and implementing the cycle again will further extend knowledge, bringing about perfect output and operation within the company. In the other hand, quality control is similar to, but not identical with quality assurance. As described before, it is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality requirements or mee ts the needs of the clients and/or customers. In order to install an effective quality control program, the firm must first decide which specific standards the service and/or product must meet. Then the extent of quality control actions must be determined – for instance, the percentage of units should be tested from each lot. After that, the real-world data must be collected – the percentage of unit that fail, and the result should be reported correctly to the management personnel. Next, the corrective actions take place and decided upon and taken – defective units must be repaired or rejected, and service repeated at no charge until the costumers are satisfied. In some companies, if too many failures or instances of poor service happen, the plan must be devised to improve the production process and then that plan must be put into action. However, quality control process must be ongoing to assure the remedial effort by producing satisfactory results, and immediately detecting recurrences or new instances of trouble. The quality of product or service is ensuring if proper designing process is followed. This designing process needs to be  back by an appropriate process design which confirm to requirement of customers. Quality control also ensures error and defects are prevented and finally deleted from the process of production. However, quality control should include: Planning, designing, implementation, gaps identification and improvisation. The benefits from an organization which is implementing a stringent quality control are as follow: * Reducing product defects lead to less variable cost associated with labor and material; * Increase in employee motivation and awareness of quality; * Increase in productivity and overall efficiency. * Reduction in wastage, scrap and pollution; * Ability to produce quality products over longer period of time; * With quality maintenance needs for inspection reduces leading to decrease in maintenance cost; * And finally ensure customers satisfaction; However the quality of any giving product and service determines success of failure of the company. All consumers expect the company to maintain high-level of quality and consider it one of the most important aspect of satisfaction. Therefore, quality management becomes very important as far as any organization is concerned. It can be accomplished through various quality control techniques. Quality assurance and quality control are objectively oriented and can be achieved through statistical quality control. Quality reviews are conducted to gather evidence on whether or not standards are being met. An effective quality review is a team effort involving several roles. The three most important roles will be given different names depending on the type of organization, but can generally be described as the creator, the reviewer and the manager. REFERENCES: 1- Quality Management, Quality assurance and Quality control 2- 3- 4- 5-