Monday, February 17, 2020

Somatization Disorder Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Somatization Disorder - Research Paper Example The ‘somatic’ symptoms that characterize the condition cause impairment, which impedes normal functioning and could cause significant distress. Hysteria is not common in the general populace. However, the condition occurs in 0.2% of males and 0.2% to 2% of females (Lichstein, 1986). Research has proven variation in occurrence, which is attributable to cultural differences. For example, the condition is significantly prevalent in Puerto Rico when compared to other regions (Glorisa et al. 2000). Approximately 10% to 20% percent of first-degree female relatives have the disorder, whereas; the male relatives exhibit heightened levels of sociopathy and alcoholism. Epidemiological studies also show that there is co-morbidity with other conditions of a psychological nature such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders and personality disorders such as dependent, narcissistic, borderline, avoidant, histrionic and antisocial personality disorders (Robert & Gold, 2008). Patients with somatization disorder display various physical complaints which may last for years. This complaint often includes chronic pain and problems in the reproductive, nervous and digestive systems. Stress has been found to worsen the problem and the symptoms often interfere with both relationships and work as patients seek medical attention (Lichstein, 1986). Diagnosis and other evaluations do not explain the symptoms or they may exceed expectations when compared to any medical illness of a similar nature that may be found. Symptom categories that may be experienced include: Somatization disorder starts prior to age 30 and is more prevalent among women than in men. The condition often affects people with chronic pain and irritable bowel syndrome. Somatisation disorder was in the past thought to relate to emotional stress, and the resultant pain was dismissed as a creation of the mind (Pribor et al. 1993).

Monday, February 3, 2020

List routines and procedures to be used in and out of the classroom Essay

List routines and procedures to be used in and out of the classroom - Essay Example (Emmer 2003) Beginning of the day. When the bell rings students have to enter classroom under the direction of elementary teacher. They are entering by way of the door that is assigned to their class. Routines in the beginning of the day can be different, for example, students can create a crossword puzzle using key classroom rules as a clue or they can create different word puzzles that will contain hidden messages for each student. But the most interesting routine will be getting acquainted with rules and other students. The procedure is rather simple. It will allow students to become familiar with main policies, rules and their classmates. Such routine is useful for students to get know each other better. And finally it will help in finding out shy students or such who don’t want to interact. A procedure embraces three simple steps: Transition between activities. Students have to be prepared for transitions between activities. Visual supports may help students to see that the activity is ending and it is time for another activity. Verbal warnings and cues may be also used as a signal to transition. Transitions are easier is they are essential part of class routine. If students are with special needs experience fewer behavioral problems if they are taught transition. Children will move from activity to another with more confidence. Possible routines can be visual cues (social stories, flicking light, visual schedules, using pictures, etc.). A procedure will be the next: Field trip. Field trip is the extension of school curriculum and school day. All school rules affect field trip. The weather for field trip must be clear and all events have to be planned for the early summer or late spring. Students have to prepare meals and to clean up. The routine is to observe the greatest number of insects and to learn something new about them. Students must have notebooks, collecting equipment and field guides. Such activity will be interesting for children,